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Old Toni’s Bio

Toni's Bio

Hi! I’m Toni Chowdhury, success strategist for startup and early stage business owners.

My path to choosing to become a success strategist started in a very strange manner. Six years ago, I would have never guessed I’d be here writing a very different bio.

After decades of being in the corporate world, I decided to rediscover my passion for photography. Completely self taught, I decided to start my own portrait studio. The first couple of years were very rocky as I struggled to find a balance and a voice for my business. After spending thousands of dollars on business training and workshops, I finally found a mentor who helped turn my business around.

After a very successful 5 years of owning a business, I find myself committed to helping other startup business owners. I want to help them find success with their ventures and live their dreams just like I am living mine.

As a single parent, I’m still working at my corporate job, and also managing two businesses. If I can do it, so can you!  It only takes the right mindset.

After finding a mentor for my photography business, I doubled my revenues every year for three years. Now I can clearly see the value of that mentoring. It helped me get focussed and pointed me in the right direction because I had no prior business experience.

Now you see why I’m the best person who can help your business take off? It’s because I know firsthand what it means to start off in the right direction with the help of a mentor …especially on a limited budget!

I am committed to helping you with all kinds of content related to success habits, marketing, strategizing, and productivity that will help you push forward and be successful.

I would love to hear your stories as well, and I’d be excited to feature your business on my blog. Since everyone of us has different challenges when starting something new, maybe your insights, experience and wisdom could help another entrepreneur out? Think about that!

Please feel free to contact me in case you think I can feature you. I am looking forward to adding value to as many people as I can.

So, stay focussed on your success!