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Old Startup Success Strategies Business Coaching

success strategies for small businesses

Beat The Odds: Learn How Your Startup Can Go Live, Survive And Then Thrive

Learn The 3 Proven Fundamental Principles That Will Help You Get Your Startup Business Off The Ground In No Time!


  Do you have a great business idea that you think could be the next biggest thing after sliced bread?

 Have you been struggling with the thoughts of starting the business but don’t know how to find the time and other resources?

Are you in the early stages of your business but don’t know where to find your first client?

Are you paralyzed by the fear of what’s going to happen if the business doesn’t take off?

Are you completely overwhelmed by all the information that’s out there?


If you have answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, CONGRATULATIONS! You’re a TRUE ENTREPRENEUR!


picture of work desk with laptop and mobile phone for startup success strategies business coaching

Welcome to the world of entrepreneurship where all of these things are rules and not the exception. In this world, you have the permission to stumble and fall, but you don’t have permission to fail, because there’s nothing called failure in entrepreneurship.

You also have permission to ask for help and support because without that you’ll be on a very lonely journey where you’re like a ship without a captain!

What if I can help and support you on your journey? What if you hire me as the captain of your ship so I  bring you to the right destination in the shortest time possible?


Here's what you need right now:

  A STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM to help you start off the right way

  Access to a team of experts who’ll teach you all the skills a startup business owner needs

  A success mindset because just wanting to start a business isn’t enough

  A proven method in which you learn to grow your business on a really small budget

  A fail-proof system in which you learn to not only grow your business, but also learn to stay high-energy and focused on your success

 Your very own mentor to hold your hand and guide you through it all!

You probably know this already, but according to small business statistics in the US, more than 30% of startup businesses close shop within the first 2 years! THIRTY PERCENT!! Imagine – that’s 30 businesses out of a hundred! That’s a pretty scary number!

You Should Never… Ever… EVER… be one of those 30!

We never want to be a casualty when we start up, do we?  However, the sad reality of the situation is that most startups shut down because of a variety of reasons.  The two biggest causes are a lack of knowledge and a lack of experience. If these two things could somehow be mitigated, the risks would automatically go down.

This is a subject that’s close to my heart as I currently own and run two businesses and learning to double my revenue and staying in business happened when I was on the verge of becoming one of those 30, but I turned it around!


I’m looking for a few ships I can help steer to their proper destinations. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for a captain!


Some Of The Things You'll Get As A Small Or Aspiring Business Owner When You Work With Me:

  3 Proven Fundamental Principles That Will Help You Get Your Startup Business Off The Ground And Rocking In No Time!

  Learning to build a success mindset so you don’t sabotage your own accomplishments

 Access to various experts like branding, SEO, wellness, business accounting – ALL INCLUDED IN THE PROGRAM!

  Help with creating a business plan that is viable and implementable

  A deep insight into the marketing strategy that will work for your business

  Learning about who your ideal customer is and how to woo them into your business

  Understanding the psychology of pricing and how you can “add value”

  Understanding how to do your market research so you can gain competitive advantage

  Learning surefire ways of blowing away your competition and gaining a strong foothold in your niche

  Handholding you for an entire 6 months so I can make sure you’re doing it right so you can grow your business fast!

  Learning about all the free tools that you can leverage to start your business on a minimal budget

What This Program Is Not

Hype!  All the strategies you’ll learn are the ones I use in my business everyday, and which have transformed my business completely!

Theory!  Every single strategy and piece of information you’ll get are actionable right out of the gate! You’ll leave each session with a feeling of purpose and direction because you’ll know how to implement those learnings in your business – IMMEDIATELY!

Ambiguity!  There’s no fluff involved! My team of experts and I are going to teach you the fundamentals of business, marketing, pricing, sales and wellness practices – a holistic approach that will work for you no matter what business you are in.


I cannot work with everyone and neither should you work with someone who doesn’t have the same values as yourself.

Therefore, I like to have an initial 30 minute no-obligation session with all my prospective clients to make sure I can help them and we’re the right fit to work together. I only take clients I think I can help!  After all, it’s not about the number of clients I can take, but the value I can add to someone’s life.

I’m a success strategist helping people translate their big ideas into real action and helping them get better at winning the game of life. I’ve been helping people get their lives, career and businesses organized so they can focus on the more important things that will bring value to themselves and their families.


For a very LIMITED time, I’m offering my proven and results-oriented Startup Success Strategies program at SPECIAL RATES so you can start off the new year and your journey to realizing your dreams of being a business owner!

Ready to get started? Book your no-obligation strategy session today!