Life in 360: A NEW Way of Achieving Success & Happiness

Learning to Become More Successful While on Vacation

So What Is Life in 360™ Transformational Travel?


Well, you are someone who believes that travel makes you a better person and helps you grow! You believe that when you travel you make an investment in yourself on many different levels.

What if you could not only experience beautiful landscapes, the culture and people of a place, but also personal growth?

Imagine traveling through a beautiful country with a group of likeminded fellow travellers and your own personal mentor and coach. Everyday is spent not just discovering a new place, but also utilized in becoming a better you!

With that in mind, we've created a holistic life experience through transformational travel. The transformation is our commitment to you. That is what Life in 360™ Transformational Travel is all about!

How amazing it would be to experience all around personal growth while on vacation! And best of all, we'll take care of everything for you - from booking your air tickets, to visas and accommodations, leaving you free to savour the experience!


What's Included in Life in 360™ Transformational Travel?

Photography Basics with Pro Photographer

Imagine you're vacationing in an exotic destination and you're surrounded by tall mountain peaks, lush green valleys and meandering rivers.  Of course, you'd want to preserve your beautiful memories in pretty pictures, right?

How about having a professional photographer guide you through basic photography lessons and creating great opportunities for beautiful photos? This guarantees that you can capture amazing images of all the gorgeous landscapes, colourful and bustling cities, mouthwatering food and stunning architecture!

Meditation and Yoga Techniques

Next, imagine you're breathing in the fresh crisp mountain air in the early morning where you're practicing a few breathing and meditation techniques you  learned at the start of your trip. This helps you to instantaneously elevate your energy levels and your feeling of wellbeing - spiritual, emotional and physical!  Wouldn't that be valuable knowledge for the rest of your life?

Picnic in Paddy Fields

Now imagine you're walking through rice paddy fields nestled in the foothills of the Mighty Himalayas. The paddy feels like silk passing through your fingers. And you sit down for a nice little picnic with a few other fellow happiness seekers to discuss your amazing experiences and swap stories with each other.

Personal Development & Success Sessions

Besides all of that, you're also invited to a few personal development and success sessions where you learn how to overcome stress and overwhelm. You also learn how to cultivate a success mindset and how to be more of who you really are. These sessions will set you on a path of self discovery and reflection, which will empower you to become bolder and lead a more purposeful life.

Local Culture, Art & Cuisine

No travel experience is complete without indulging in local cuisine and visiting all the cultural hotspots. You'll be able to take in all the sightseeing you like around the beautiful towns and villages of the Kingdom of Bhutan. Bhutan is the only country where the measure of prosperity is not GNP but GNH (Gross National Happiness)!

Imagine all of that, and more!  This is what living a Life in 360™ is all about!


Are you interested in finding out more? Download our FREE Guide!


This is a brand new way to experience personal development and travel. You are GUARANTEED a transformational experience when you join us!

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