Goal Setting Bootcamp:
Learn the Science Behind Goal Setting to Go from Goal Setter to Goal Achiever!

Goal setting bootcamp in Montreal by Toni Chowdhury

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to keep hitting their goals while you struggle to keep up with them? They make it seem like they're just plain lucky, don't they!

Actually, like Robin Sharma says - "You don't get lucky, you make lucky!"

The goal achievers are ordinary people just like you and me, but with extraordinary knowledge in goal setting, that's all. They also practise being consistent and relentless once they use that secret goal setting weapon they possess.

So, if you've been missing your mark and you feel achieving your goals would be life-changing, then this workshop is exactly what you need. This is a very hands-on workshop where you'll learn to do the following:

 How to break your goals down into meaningful chunks

 Learn the principles of goal setting that will ensure you achieve them

 Learn the secrets of ensuring you're always on track 

 How to trick your brain into working for your goals even when things aren't working 

During the workshop, you'll be setting your long term, mid term and short term goals. Once you know what you want to achieve, I'm going to help you translate those goals into an achievable strategy. Since everyone has different lifestyles and aspirations, you will learn exactly what will work for you.

Most of us set goals without understanding what it might take to achieve them. Therefore, when we fail to see results, we blame it on our circumstances thinking that we just don't have the right kind of resources. Worse still, we blame ourselves thinking we aren't good enough.

Let me tell you that learning how to set goals correctly will help you achieve even those goals that seem too fantastic and you think you may not be cut out to achieve them.

The workshop will arm you with the theories behind goal setting that will help you in understanding why most people fail. And once you've understood that, you'll know exactly what you need to do differently so you don't end up like the "other people".

So, don't wait! Become a GOAL ACHIEVER and not just a regular GOAL SETTER. For in achieving your goals lies immense joy and a feeling of fulfillment.

Only 6 spots available. Bonus 1-on-1 follow up session to ensure you've set your goals correctly!

Upcoming Workshops

Date: Sunday, May 6, 2018 

In-person workshop 

Date: Saturday, May 19, 2018 

Virtual Workshop

Check your inbox for more details and find out how you can register for the workshop.

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Shoot me an email at info@tonichowdhury.com and I'll get back to you with an answer!